Tuesday, March 1, 2011


-My interweave knits magazine got lost in the mail. I'm not sure where in the world it would be, but it is not here. I got the in-laws on it, since they're the ones that bought it.

-I have to be intensely focused on this potty training thing. So far, we are off to an okay start. Maybe half and half. Oh, problems that none of my friends currently have to deal with!

-Our dryer, it is broke. I called the maintenance guy to fix it. Who knows when that will happen? So, there are currently two loads of laundry spread out on my dining room table and chairs, with the fan on, chillin' and drying.

-My attempts at exercise and not eating carbs are going well. I made tacos for dinner last night and just piled a bowl full of meat, beans and guacamole and chowed on that. Pretty delicious.

-My grandfather, who had been slowly going insane and imagining my grandma having an affair and spider listening devices, was put in the psych ward of the nearest hospital this weekend. They no longer will accept him at the assisted living area, so he's going to be moving into the nursing home next door. That just means my parents get to move my grandparents again, when they've only been where they are for a month.

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